Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Healing of the blood by Royal Blood

Healing of the Blood by the Royal Blood

In Matthew chapter nine, a woman with an “issue” of blood seeks out Yahshua for healing. The woman was losing blood, hemorrhaging. To put it plainly she was having excessive menstruations. The Hebrew word is Strong’s #1739, daveh. This is a sickness in the blood and was directly connected to her DNA and how her body was reacting to the malady within her blood.

The woman presses through the crowd and touches the “hem” of Yahshua’s garment. The word “hem” used in Matthew’s writing is the Greek word “kraspedon” which means fringe or tassel and refers to a twisted extension. The Hebrew word is tzit tzit and is a twisted or wrapped tassel made of three white and one blue cord.

Okay let’s break this down one process at a time.


DNA is a multi-twisted strand. A DNA molecule is like a ladder because there are two sides (the sugar-phosphate backbones of the two strands) and rungs (each rung being a pair of complementary bases). 
Twisted, because the molecule is twined in a coil called a helix - or rather, a double helix because there are two strands. (see below)


There are four (4) bases of DNA. They are Guanine, Cytocine, Adenine, Thymine. There are three (3) parts of DNA  -the Bases, Phosphate Groups, and Sugar (Deoxyribose). Hang with me for a minute and I will piece all of this together. The four bases bind to the sugar backbone and form four possible pairs with sixty-four possible groupings. It’s the combining of these pairs into groupings that writes the codex that your makes you who you are. DNA is composed of four (4) elements: hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, and carbon. These are the four most common elements found in all living things. DNA carries the instructions for all living things written inside, using the four bases mentioned above. The RNA is the “messenger” that replicates or sometimes rewrites the message encoded within the DNA.

Author and computer systems designer Gregg Braden wrapped his book The God Code around the premise that God's name is literally encoded into every human body. According to Braden's logic, the basic elements of DNA--hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen and carbon--directly translate into specific letters of the Hebrew alphabets (YHVA), which then translate into the original name of God.

If Mr. Braden’s premise is correct, and science and Scripture seems to agree, then written with our twisted DNA strands is the Name of YHWH.


The tzit tzit is a twisted cord that is placed on the four (4) corners of our garments as commanded:

Deu 22:12 “Make tassels on the four corners of the garment with which you cover yourself.

Tzittzit are made with four (4) threads, three white and one blue. There are different methods used but the four threads are twisted into a single strand.


The tzittzit is definitely a picture of our DNA! We also see that tzittzit without the blue thread as an incomplete DNA that rejects the Blood of our King Mashiach, Yahshua.

One of the more common ways the tzittzit were tied was in four (4) separate sets of loops numbering 10-5-6-5. This was for the letters yud (Y) hey (H) wah (W) and hey (H) or the Creator’s Name YHWH. By tying the tzittzit in this manner and including the blue thread the tzittzit would have the Name of YHWH written inside, just as Mr. Braden has suggested we have in our DNA.

I do not know how Yahshua tied His tzittzit. I can safely assume that the Righteous King would have used blue thread, but I cannot prove this to be true. But IF Yahshua had four tzittzit on four corners of His garment using four threads each 4x4x4=64. (The same number of groupings inside every DNA strand) IF Yahshua had a 10-5-6-5 wrap, YHWH’s Name was inside the tzittzit the woman touched and she effectively connected with YHWH through Yahshua. IF Yahshua used a blue thread in His tzittzit, He had three (3) strands of white (purity or righteousness) and one (1) strand of blue (royalty or majesty). The woman touched a a King (Melek) who was a tzadik (righteous) man; a Melektzadik. A Cohen haGadol from the order of Melektzadik. The only one able to be a King and a Priest at the same time was a Melektzadik.

I know there are a lot of IF’s in the above paragraph, and I am not asking you to believe me, I am asking you to consider how YHWH works. When a woman with sick blood needed a blood transfusion from a man with perfect Blood, how can she get it with piercing His skin and drawing from the source? She can grab His DNA and be spiritually changed to the point of physical transformation. Is this possible? Let me ask you, what takes precedent; the physical or the Spiritual?

We know that sin brings death and sickness is the beginning of death. Righteousness or tzadik brings Life, the very Words of YHWH are Life. The woman had sickness (sin) in her blood, and was made well or whole (life) by touching the tzittzit (DNA) of Yahshua. Essentially by coming into contact with the perfect Blood, there was a RNA inserted into her blood that rewrote her DNA back to the original code that did not have the sin/death message.


  1. Shalom In Yahshua. Thanks for sharing this post. The material you present here is VERY INTERESTING!...A subject that I've been interested in for some time now and I wish to write on.
    It reminds me of the Scripture in Isa.52:15 "So shall he sprinkle many nations...."

    Very thought provoking.

    shalom In Yahshua.

    Your friend Yuri

  2. Brother this was not explained well and thus makes no sense: the basic elements of DNA--hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen and carbon--directly translate into specific letters of the Hebrew alphabets (YHVA), which then translate into the original name of God.
    Explain please.

  3. Sorry I didn't go into greater detail. I didn't feel qualified enough to get into it too deep. If you go to youtube and watch Gregg Braden's videos, he has several that go into great detail regarding DNA and the Name of YHWH.
    Mr. Braden is a scientist and has the expertise to discuss the details. He does come from a New Age point of view, but I agree with his premise.
    Thanks for commenting.

  4. As much as I like Gregg Braden and his positive speeches and ideas, I feel that he was stretching the science a bit with the DNA link to YHWH. The following shows how Gregg 'forced' the connection - you can decide for yourself if he was correct or not.

    PS if you are looking for codes or connections, the ELS in the Torah is quite clearly the link to show the hand of the divine in creating this book.
