1. Only Dark or Light.
a. You are either with the Good or the bad. 1 John 4:4
b. Both Good and bad have a mark.
i. The Mark of the Beast – The Mark of YHWH.
1. The Mark of the beast or man. Rev. 14:9-12
2. The Mark of YHWH or alef/tav.
a. Moedim-Shabbat-Shema-Dabar (Words)
b. Bereshit 1:14 The division between dark and Light is a sign.
c. Y’shua the sign Isaiah 7:14
2. Everyone is Born Into Sin
a. Are babies’ sinners? Romans 3:23, 5:12
i. Choices make us into what we are. Joshua 24:15 Proverbs 1:29
1. Choose Life or choose Death. Deuteronomy 30:15-20 Matthew 7:13-20 Romans 6:23 Romans 8:5,6
2. What is Death? What is Life?
a. Death Romans 6:23 Ezekiel 18:4,20 Galatians 6:7,8 James 1:15
b. Life Romans 5:17,21 John 3:36 1 John 5:11,12
3. How Were We Created?
a. What was Adam made from?
b. How was Adam made? Bereshit 2:7
c. Who made Adam?
i. Where did life originate?
ii. Where does life exist now?
1. What is the chemical formula for blood?
a. Your blood is created by the 22 amino acids
i. Blood consists of red blood cells (no DNA), white blood cells (contains DNA), iron and water mixed with other things
ii. Blood is not an element and isn’t a compound it’s a mixture.
b. Blood is not native to the body it rides in, it came from an outside source.
4. By What Process Can One Reverse the Sin Code? John 6:63
a. Where does the Sin Code exist? Romans 5:12,19 Gen 3:6
i. The universe inside YHWH’s creation.
ii. The Scroll inside.
1. What is written in your Book?
2. Can you rewrite your Book?
5. Blood and DNA.
a. The message in your blood.
i. We are all from the same Source.
ii. We are all descendants of Adam and Noach.
b. The DNA Alef Beit.
c. DNA the Book and RNA the Messenger. Psalms 139:16
i. Every thought, word and deed recorded in you.
ii. Under the Blood or a testimony against you?
d. The process of returning (shoob) and your DNA. Bereshit 3:19 Psalms 19:7 Psalms 23:3
i. Halakah and the walk back. Bereshit 3:24 Psalms 1:6 Psalms 17:5 Proverbs 4:26, 5:21
ii. Maintaining and guarding your borders. Bereshit 2:15 Bereshit 17:9,10 Debarim 6:2,3 Psalms 18:21-24
e. Perfect Blood and dominion.
i. Adam and Hawah in the Garden before the Fall. Bereshit 2:19,20
1. The Fall, the curse and the change.
a. Eyes open and they “yada”
2. The Sin Code enters creation. Bereshit 3:14-19
ii. Yeshua, perfect Blood and Dominion.
1. Dominion over rebellion. (the Sin Code)
2. Miracles – Authority in Action
a. Mud into eyes Yochanon 9:1-7
b. Issue of blood Luke 8:43-48
c. Raising the dead Matthew 11:5 Luke 7:22
d. Water into wine Yochanon 2:1-11
e. Walking on the water Matthew 14:25-31
iii. No man can “see” Him and live. Shemot 33:20
1. Yacob becomes Yisrael. Bereshit 32:30
a. Live is preserved (natsal – delivered, snatched away)
2. Shaul the rabbinical warrior becomes an emissary of Yeshua. Acts 9:1-9
iv. Paniym paniym (face to face) with Life (paniym – face or presence)
1. Many see Yeshua with their eyes (physical) but few paniym paniym.
2. Yeshua takes dominion over the water and gives dominion over the water to Kefa.
3. Panim panim and water submits, look away and lose your authority.
4. Emunah – Substance and evidence, not things hoped for or things not seen.
5. Mustard seed, emunah and dominion over the elements.
6. Saved or Being Saved? 2 Corinthians 5:14-17
a. When does the Graft/DNA restructure reach completion?
i. A wild olive branch grafted into a fruit bearing Olive Tree.
1. Fruit bearing Olive Tree.
2. Cut out, spliced in and transformed.
3. Chlorophyll and blood.
4. Graft must accept Tree and Tree must give new life to graft.
b. There is a transformation process that begins at the cutting OUT of the wild tree and continues as we are grafted into the Olive Tree.
i. We are morphing into something new. Matthew 17:2 Romans 12:1,2
a. Metamorphoo – Composed of two Greek words: meta – marker/time (Hebrew et {ayin tav}), morphoo – fashion, form, shape (Hebrew temunah)
2. We are visibly marked in our form, fashion or shape. 2 Corinthians 5:14-19 Romans 6:2-22 Galatians 2:19,20 Ephesians 4:20-24 Colossians 3:9,10 1 John 3:4-11
c. When we “see Him” Paniym Paniym we shall “be as He is.”
i. Face to face, in His presence brings about a metamorphoo a visible change in our form. 1 John 3:1-3
ii. Kefa takes his eye off of Yahshua and is no longer “like” him.
7. What does it take to enter into the state of transformation that leads to us becoming the Sons/Children of Light? Philippians 2:5-13
a. Empty ourselves
i. Begin the process of becoming Light and leaving darkness.
1. It’s the process of dawning, going from dark to light in stages that result in complete light.
2. Turning away from YHWH is the opposite it is going from Light to dark in stages that result in complete darkness.
ii. We have to embrace YHWH and His Torah this puts us on His Path. Proverbs 3:1-7
iii. The bottom line is fear/yarah (revere-respect) YHWH and guard/shomar His Commands. Ecclesiastes 12:12,13
iv. Begin the cyclical ascent towards YHWH.
b. This transformation allows His Authority to work through us. Romans 8:9-11 Colossians 1:21-29
i. His Authority, Mark or Name is the means by which we can be used to perform miracles and wonders. Acts 2:38 Acts 3 Acts 4:12
ii. We can receive the Authority to take dominion over the Sin Code/rebellion Ephesians 6:11-18
c. We are to be training up a generation that lives these principals. Proverbs 22:6 Proverbs 3:1-7 Debarim 6:4-9
i. In these last days it will take SONS OF LIGHT to overcome the sons of darkness. 1 Thessalonians 5:4,5 Yochanon 12:35-37 Acts 26:18
ii. Seek His Kingdom Matthew 6:30-34
"O YHWH, how great are thy works! [and] thy thoughts are very deep."
ReplyDeleteShalom 'ach. YHWH has blessed you with a very deep teaching once again; may His set apart name be praised.
I'm now working on a study that dove-tails into this one. I wish I could share it with you now. It is regarding Yahshua--His Kadosh blood and the sprinkling of many nations. I believe that it along with what YHWH is sharing with you will complete the picture regarding the question (who is Israel). There can only be one answer and I believe YHWH is showing me (and others 'the why' of the answer.
Shalom 'ach and it is very good to hear from you again. How is your family doing? I trust that all is well. Todah for sharing this deep and insightful post.
Please let me know when you study is completed. I will add a link to this blog so that readers can read yours along with the above.
ReplyDeleteHalleluYah, YHWH is awesome and great.
Thank you for commenting.
ReplyDeleteI've had time to think about your study.
I have some questions. I hope to post them from time to time and if you prefer to do these in a private format (ie email) thanks fine with me.
2.a. where you ask if babies are sinners. (my position on this issue is that according to 1Jn. 3:4 sin is the transgression of Torah. So I'm thinking that a knowledge of Torah would be a prerequisite to committing sin. And if a baby is not knowledgeable of Torah how would he/she be a transgressor?)
Shalom In Yahshua
In 3(c)1.(b) you seem to imply that before YHWH gave Adam live that Adam did not have any blood in Him. Is this what you are saying? If so, would you give me some Scripture verses.
ReplyDeleteShalom In Yahshua
Yuri, I agree with you 100%, babies are not sinners. As this was an outline I was using as I spoke, my verbal comments are not included. I hope to post the video as soon as I figure out how to compress it for upload.
ReplyDeleteBabies are born with the "sin code" in their blood. Until they make the choice to willfully sin, they are not sinners but exist under the covering of their parents. The "sin code" is in ever person as a result of Adam and Chavah's sin in the the Garden. Only the Blood of Y'shua can cover (kippur) this code. So we all need the Blood to cover us.
The discussion regarding Adam and blood is based off of the fact that YHWH breathed into Adam and Adam became a living being. So before the breath of YHWH, Adam was a form without life. The Ruach or Breath put life in Adam, thus animating an inanimate object or form.
‘For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it to you upon the altar to make atonement for your lives, for it is the blood that makes atonement for the life.’
(Leviticus 17:11 The Scriptures 1998+)
This is confirmed in other verses as well, life is in the blood. Since we know:
And YHWH Elohim formed the man out of dust from the ground, and breathed into his nostrils breath of life. And the man became a living being.
(Genesis 2:7 The Scriptures 1998+)
I am connecting the dots of YHWH breathing into man and man's gets life to the life being in the blood. All of the chemical elements of blood were present, since it is basically water and dirt; but the blood wasn't live blood flowing and giving life until the Breath of YHWH commingled with the elements.
Thanks for the questions and you know I love the interaction. I want to be right before YHWH in all I say and do.
Shalom my Brother
Shalom Ken,
ReplyDeleteHow is everything? Is all well with you and your family? I've been looking out for you and have not caught up with you for a while.
Shalom In Yahshua