The repair and service industry is booming. Today’s products are built so shabbily that it seems things break within days of purchase. Because of this epidemic, service companies are constantly busy. Even though you would expect and hope that things would not break down so quickly, it is inevitable all things will eventually wear out.
YHWH’s Creation is under constant attack from the adversary. Ha satan would love to destroy everything that YHWH created and called good. Our enemy has two goals; destroy the good, while making pathetic imitations of good things to lead the ignorant astray. Way back in the Gan (Garden) Eden ha satan began doing these two things. In an effort to destroy the gan (garden) the adversary offered a cheap and pathetic imitation of something Adam and Chawah already had going for them. Humankind had developed a level of existence with YHWH that included regular visitations and leisurely walks. During this time Adam could commune with YHWH and allow Him to be daddy.
And they heard the kol (Voice/Sound) of YHWH Elohim walking in the gan in the cool of the day; and HaAdam and his isha hid from the presence of YHWH Elohim amongst the etz (tree) hagan (the garden).
(Gen 3:8)
I could elaborate on this verse quite extensively, but I will stay off the rabbit trails for now and focus on the point. This was a unique relationship Adam had going for himself. YHWH would manifest Himself in the Tree of the gan and walk and talk with Adam. Seems like too awesome of an experience to even consider messing up, right? Not so fast my friend. Why accept the perfect and beautiful when you can have a cheap and pathetic imitation. Knowledge can be yours, if the price is right. Just think instead of having the Source of Knowledge visiting you in a lovely gan while eating from the Tree of Life, you can throw it all away and choose your own knowledge. But wait, that’s not all; call now and ha satan will throw in death for absolutely free. Yes, you heard me; for no additional charge you will lose everlasting life and a personal connection to the Creator. This, my friend, is the trick of the adversary, destroy the Good and hand you a big bag of disappointment.
So every since that horrible day the world has been in a downward spiral. Rolling downhill like a snowball headed…you get the point. What the world needs now is repair sweet repair. Yes, we know the story of Yahshua and the work He performed on the Tree. We all realize that He ultimately put His foot on the serpent’s head and His Blood destroys the curse. That’s not the problem I am addressing today. Here’s the issue; people are coming to the Tree and embracing its redemptive power, but too many are walking away and not becoming repairers.
What exactly do I mean? Let’s look at the Word for a minute. Most of you have probably heard of letting the first usage of a word in Scripture define the word throughout Scripture, right? The word for repair is khawzaq in Hebrew. It means to seize or grab hold of, holding tightly, repair, strengthen, harden or encourage. The first time this word is used is in Beresheet (Genesis) chapter nineteen in the story of Lot and his family.
And while he loitered, the men took hold (khawzaq) of his hand, and his wifeʼs hand, and the hands of his two daughters, יהוה having compassion on him, and they brought him out and set him outside the city.
(Gen 19:16)
So we can see here the definition is set and established. The messengers seized, grabbed a hold of; holding tightly, while encouraging, Lot. We literally see a standing in the breach here. The adversary is attacking the family of Abraham. Ha satan seeks to destroy Lot and his family by keeping them from fleeing the fires of judgment sent from YHWH to Sedom and Gomorrah. The men are pulling Lot from the flames. Does that sound familiar to you?
And of some have compassion, making a difference: And others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire; hating even the garment spotted by the flesh.
(Jud 1:22-23)
Do you think it’s possible that Yehudah had this Torah portion in mind when he wrote these words? We are told to have compassion, make a difference, reach out stand in the breach and pull some out of the fire. Do you see our job now? This is what we are supposed to be doing after we have been filled with the Ruach ha Kadosh. We become khawzaqim (repairers) of the breach.
In Beresheet 41:56 Yoseph becomes a repairman by opening up the storehouses during a time of extreme famine. There, by the hands of Yoseph, lives were pulled from certain death. Yoseph seized the opportunity to be the ultimate in customer care, resolving the issue and restoring the lives to those who were staring death in the face.
Notice in Yehudah (Jude) 1:23 that we are to HATE the garment spotted by the flesh. We don’t hate those we are rescuing, no matter how filthy they have become. We only hate the filthy garment. Why, because you are not what you wear. What you wear may reflect what you are becoming but with YHWH’s mercy, you can change what you are wearing for a spotless, white robe.
When the children of Israel were preparing to enter the Promised Land that YHWH had led them to, YHWH told them to keep the commandments He had given them so they would khawzaq (repair, be strong) in the Land. Think about that for a minute. All they have to do is repair/restore YHWH’s commandments in the Land and this will give them strength. Sounds easy enough, right? Not so fast my friend. Behind door number two is a cheap and pathetic imitation that leads to death. Step right up and choose. Oy veh!!
In II Kings chapter twelve Yehoash instructs the cohen (priests) to repair the breaches in the House of YHWH. Where ever a breach was found, they were to khawzaq the breach (gap or leak). Today the House of YHWH needs to have the breaches repaired, but where are the Cohen? No one wants to stand in the gap and plug the leak.
The Book of NechemYah (Nehemiah) is FULL of khawzaqim. Chapter three of NechemYah lists all the men and the ways they repaired Yahrushalem (Jerusalem). Oh that men (and women) would rise up today and become khawzaqim! Each one of us has been given unique and individual skills that can be put into action, thus repairing and restoring YHWH’s Kingdom.
Scientists have speculated for some time the affect certain small and unnoticed things have on the world around us. It has been proposed that a butterfly can flap its wings in India and cause a storm to hit California. I am not a scientist neither do I play one on TV; so I cannot confirm or deny these things. What I can say is this, one sharp word, one ugly look, just one time passing by some needy individual can cause a Spiritual tsunami. We destroy things all the time, essentially becoming the tool of ha satan by doing small but wicked things. If we can see this principle, and you can see it today if you try, then why can’t we believe the opposite to be true?
One kind word spoken by the prompting of the Ruach can make a HUGE change in the universe. One kind deed unnoticed by most but appreciated by the needy, causes a bountiful blessing to be poured out on a dry and thirsty land. This, my family, is khawzaqim (repairers) at work. The only way we can affectively go about bringing a change to this wicked and evil world is by changing our vocation. We must see every day, every hour, every minute as an opportunity to stand in the gap. You may not realize it but the hungry, lost and down trodden are looking at you. They can see you have something different about you (at least I hope they can). They get frustrated and depressed when you walk right by them without reaching out to help.
And a certain man lame from his mother's womb was carried, whom they laid daily at the gate of the Temple which is called Beautiful, to ask alms of them that entered into the Temple;
Who seeing Kefa and Yochanan about to go into the Temple asked an alms.
And Kefa, fastening his eyes upon him with Yochanan, said, Look on us.
And he gave heed unto them, expecting to receive something of them. Then Kefa said, Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee: In the name of Yahshua HaMoshiach of Natzeret rise up and walk.
And he took him by the right hand, and lifted him up: and immediately his feet and ankle bones received strength. And he leaping up stood, and walked, and entered with them into the Temple, walking, and leaping, and praising Elohim.
And all the people saw him walking and praising Elohim:
(Act 3:2-9)
Kefa (Peter) and Yochanan (John) were heading to the Temple when they received the service call. They stopped for a moment and asked the broken man “Look at us!” Notice something here, they broken man was expecting to receive something. How many people did you walk right by today that were expecting to receive something? Did you not get the service call? Stop, repair and restore that broken person. Don’t be afraid, give them something IN the Name of Yahshua HaMoshiach; give them LIFE!
Shalom Ken,
ReplyDeleteTodah for the post and reminder of our work as repairers of YHWH. Your point on the importance of small things reminds me of the following verse in Zachar'yah 4:10 "For who hath despised the day of small things? for they shall rejoice, and shall see the plummet in the hand of Zerubbabel [with] those seven; they [are] the eyes of the LORD, which run to and fro through the whole earth."