Sunday, August 29, 2010

Proper (Torah) Procedure for Handling Disputes

YHWH is a Set Apart (Qodash) Elohim. He will not and cannot be joined to sin. Sin is transgression (disobedience) of the Torah. Torah states clearly defined and easily understood instructions on how to treat each other and handle day to day situations. Having said that, we must take a closer look at the serious divisions and disputes among so-called Believers and how it affects other Believers.
I am not going to address specifics regarding any situation; I just want to address correct procedure (Torah) for these types of confrontations. In any dispute there can only be the following facts: Both parties are wrong, one party is wrong and the other is right or both are right and are misunderstanding each other. So how does Torah advise us to handle these situations?
Lev 19:16-18
(16) ‘Do not go slandering among your people. Do not stand against the blood of your neighbour. I am יהוה.
(17) ‘Do not hate your brother in your heart. Reprove your neighbour, for certain, and bear no sin because of him.
(18) ‘Do not take vengeance or bear a grudge against the children of your people. And you shall love your neighbour as yourself. I am יהוה.
Do not go spreading tales among the people (Hebrew am). This is clear that taking your “side” of a dispute to the Body without proper procedure should NEVER happen. Neither take a position or stance against the blood or life (Hebrew dom) of your neighbor or brother (Hebrew reya). When we take a position of defense of opposition towards a fellow Believer, we in essence stand against their life. This is a life or death situation and should NEVER be taken lightly.
Do not hate or make an enemy (Hebrew sane) against your brother or one who has stood with you in battle (Hebrew awkh) in your heart or inner man (Hebrew leb). So if you suddenly have a dispute with someone you have previously called a “brother” or close companion, either you were greatly deceived and didn’t allow the Ruach to give you proper discernment or you are in the wrong and have allowed evil to move into your heart. It is Scripture folks.
We can and should reprove or rebuke (Hebrew yakach) sin or missing the mark (Hebrew chet) in a fellow Believer. But we should never try to get even with or avenge (Hebrew naqam) ourselves against another Israelite. If someone in the family of YHWH has missed the mark and fallen short we should personally and privately address the issue giving them a chance to correct the sin. This never gives us the right to try and “get even” with another Israelite.
We should love or look out for (Hebrew ahab) our neighbor as we do ourselves. YHWH puts His stamp on these instructions by saying, Ani YHWH,” I am YHWH. When YHWH says this He is making sure you understand the severity of what He has just said, and how Who He is and who we are defines these instructions.
If we always handled these situations with proper prospective/fear (yarah) of YHWH, we wouldn’t see the cold and calculated assassination of our family members.
Proverbs 15:18
(18) An ish chemah (angry man) stirreth up madon (strife), but he that is slow to anger pacifies a quarrel.
A hot-headed, furious and angry (Hebrew chema) man stirs up or gets excited (Hebrew garah) about strife or contention (Hebrew madon), but he that is slow or patient (Hebrew arek) to anger or flaring of the nostrils (Hebrew af) settles or pacifies (Hebrew shaqat) strife or controversy (Hebrew reeb).
Quite an interesting contrast painted here by Shlomo. On one hand you have a loud, red faced, big mouthed person waving their arms, flaring their nostrils and yelling about how right they are and how wrong others are; on the other hand you have a quiet and patient person who prefers to put out fires rather than play with matches.
So as fruit inspectors (See Matthew 7:20), we can sit back and watch these dilemmas play out. We will know who was planted by the Rivers of Life by the fruit their tree bears. We also will know whose roots where evil by the fruit their tree bears. (See 1 Timothy 6:10). Isn’t amazing how often these types of contention between so-called “leaders” are centered on money and or possessions?
Pro 16:28
(28) A perverse/fraudulent ish (man) soweth madon (strife, dissension), and a whisperer separates close friends.
We can watch a person and know that someone who continuously seems to be in the middle of contentions is wicked and a fraud. Again I am not pointing fingers just quoting Scripture. A whisperer or a talebearer divides leaders or teachers.
Okay fellow fruit inspectors; let’s take a long hard look at these divisions. Who (if any) are handling these contentions with calm and patient demeanor, and who is waving their arms making accusations and telling tales? You decide. If both sides are acting improperly and violating Torah, both are wrong, they need to teshuvah. If one party continues to show the attributes of a perverse and fraudulent man, then we can determine who is at fault. YHWH is not about division within the Body; however, He is about division between the world and the Body. If it is clear that someone (be it one or both parties) is causing division by violating Torah, we should give them an opportunity to teshuvah and if they do not we separate ourselves from them. We cannot support, condone or follow (spiritually, monetarily or in any way) someone who is willfully violating Torah. The Body should freeze all support until these matters are resolved. YHWH will take care of the innocent and we should not support the guilty that have not repented.
When one chooses to set themselves up as a leader within the Body of Yahshua they are now subject to more scrutiny because of the position they have sought. You cannot call yourself a leader and not expect those following to watch how you handle yourself. Is not a Torah teacher bound by the same Torah they teach?
The first and fatal mistake many Believers make is when they put humans on a pedestal. If we would stop acting as if those who lead are infallible, we would not have the repercussions we are seeing when we find out they have fallen. Keep Yahshua the focus and follow others who are following Him and do not follow those who don’t follow Him.
Let’s agree that we should not judge that which we do not know, but we can and should judge Believers by their fruit. If their tree bears unrighteous fruit we should as a Body demand and expect teshuvah. Those who bear righteous fruit, regardless of false accusations, we should support and lift in prayer.
Shalom Aleichem and may the Body be Echad.


  1. Torah also dictates that judges and officersare appointed to handle disputes that can not be resolved person to person, and what qualifications these judges and officers should have, including the formation a Beit Din to hear accusations and issues

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. So true, until the Body can establish these we seem to be operating inefficiently.

  4. I needed this right now! Thanks for posting this. :)

  5. Nice blog Ken. What's really sad is the most recent division is making the local news here in my backyard.

  6. Thanks for the wisdom. I was not sure exactly what the proper thing to do was, but this has given me guidance.

    I am just grieved at the divisions.

    One indication, perhaps, of a problem is that the situation has arisen before.

  7. Amein to these words of Torah that YHWH has spoken in this post. I Thank Him for these words of practical instruction given to make us Echad. A timely post ken.

    If we do this things then an abundant entrance will be given us in the kingdom of Yahshua....and happy are we if we do them.

    Shalom In Messiah.
