I will not take up your time by going over a subject that you are probably very familiar with by now. But I do want to draw a line of comparison here because the times and situations demand it.
Ecc 1:9
(9) What has been is what shall be, what has been done is what shall be done, and there is no new matter under the sun.
We are bombarded on a daily basis with the concept of “new.” Every product is new and improved, every doctrine of man is new, every thought, every ideology all new. But yet Shlemo says there is nothing new under the sun. How can so many be duped by this continuous lying?
The very foundation of sun worship (pagan christianity) is the absolute worse at perpetuating this lie. Every jack legged preacher who comes along with a new circus act, claims he has a new thing. Whatever! There is NOTHING new under the sun or sun-god worship. These tactics and antics go back to the Garden. They come from the wrong Tree. They are all part of the lie that the enemy started telling back in the Garden. Not being the Creator, ha satan has always been the imitator. He takes Truth, albeit in small doses, and wraps it around a huge lie. Just like we do when we try to give our dog medicine. When you wrap a piece of tasty meat or cheese around the medicine, the dog swallows the whole thing. Sound familiar?
YHWH created everything, He made it all good and put His Blessing on it. So in an effort to be like YHWH, the adversary has taken the good and made bad imitations. Wrapping a little truth around a big lie, smiling and telling us it’s good as we gobble it down.
The evidence of this dastardly deed is all around us. Satan didn’t want anyone to keep the Feasts YHWH created, so he made imitations. The imitation have been around almost as long as the originals. Check me out. People celebrated christmas thousands of years before the Messiah was born. How is that even possible? Pagan mythology set up the lies before the Truth was manifested. This way it appears the imitation was the creation. We know Scripture tells us the Lamb was slain from the foundation of the world. So if from Creation the Creator had already planned for the Lamb to be slain, doesn’t go without saying the Lamb must be born, live and die. Right? Well where was the Imitator when the Creator made His plan? Did ha satan not know this plan? Even if you think he didn’t know then, wouldn’t he have known when these Words were spoken?
Gen 3:15
(15) And I will put eivah (enmity, personal hostility [see Ezekiel 35:5]) between thee and HaIsha (see HaAlmah, Yeshayah 7:14), and between thy zera and her Zera; it shall crush thy rosh, and thou shalt strike his akev (heel).
When YHWH spoke this curse upon ha satan what do you think he immediately set out to do? Wouldn’t his MO (modus operandi) be to destroy the Good by imitating it and flooding the market (so to speak) with his cheap imitation? Well, what a shock that’s exactly what he did. The pagan lore of a god/man born to a virgin who dies is rampant. The whole tamuz, I mean christmas story is all through mythology. So is ishtar/easter, with all of the pagan attachements, colored eggs, rabbits etc.
So is it any surprise that we can actually determine Truth by looking at the lie? This is not the best and perfect way to find truth, but it really does work. We know that YHWH created everything and ha satan imitates YHWH’s creation, so why does the world and specifically the christian world embrace the lie? We have Truth (Scripture) to use as a checkpoint, but still we all have chosen to chase hard after the lie while ignoring and trying to explain away the Truth.
Just because it must be asked, tell me; where is christmas or easter in the Scriptures? Not there is it? We do have Passover, Sukkot and other wonderful Feast Days to keep and celebrate, they are all in Scripture from Genesis to Revelation, but we always say those were “done away with.”
The lies of ha satan have ridden on the back of the churches and this causes generation after generation to accept them carte blanche. It becomes almost impossible to walk away from the imitation when we are multiple generations deep into the lie.
Now I didn’t write this to talk about holidays vs. YHWH’s days, so let me get to my point.
In the late 1800’s a movement broke out in Topeka, KS. that took the United States by storm. There was speaking in tongues, convulsions, shouting and people getting slain in the spirit. This movement went from Topeka to Houston, where it grew and deepened. From Houston it went to Los Angeles (Azusa Street), where it exploded. I will not get into all of the details because if you are serious about your relationship with the Heavenly Father, you will check this out and confirm the facts. The facts are this, ALL of these movements were centered around people with deep voodoo (vodou) backgrounds. The acts that were manifest at these meetings were all syncretizations of pagan satanic rituals mixed with Roman Catholicism. To be specific, it was called “riding the loa” by those in Haitian and African witchcraft. Why would ha satan do this? What was the motive behind shoving the lie down our throats?
There is always a true and real creation that the Imitator wants to debunk. YHWH has and will move in a very real way through His people when they seek Him. Yes, people can and will be healed, delivered and set free. Yes, we can and will dance before YHWH and He does speak through His people with another tongue. But once again the Imitator has set before us a evil imitation of a real thing that we naturally run to just like Adam and Chawah (Eve) in the Garden. We are loosing our youth to this imitation ever day, simply because we run from the Truth and embrace the lie ourselves.
When we look to YHWH, reject the lie and allow the Ruach to work through us, we will see His Ruach (Spirit) poured out in this last day. It will not be Todd Bentley/Benny Hinn/Oral Roberts/William Seymour/Charles Parham type of hoodoo voodoo. YHWH’s Spirit will not take us away from His Word. Real Spirit leads to Real Truth. Tattooed, adulterous, money hungry, voodoo following perverted men (and women) will not lead YHWH’s people into His outpouring.
We are desperately needing a move of YHWH in this last hour. We need Spirit (Ruach) and Truth (Emet). A life that is out of balance in either area cannot stand. Too much Truth without Spirit is unbalanced and too much Spirit without Truth is not stable either. Why is it we reject both at one time or another?
The Children of YHWH need to be seeking His Ruach and what He wants us to have, not seeking the pagan ways of the world. When we mix the Truth of YHWH with the lies of the Imitator we can not be pure sources of Water for the lost.
My point is this; we need a real move of YHWH in the Body today. We must put ourselves in the proper position to receive this outpouring. We must purge our homes and our lives of all pagan influences that ha satan uses because they are all imitations and keep us from YHWH’s Truth.
2Ch 7:14
(14) If Ami, which are called by Shmi, shall humble themselves, and daven, and seek my face, and turn from their derakhim hara'im (wicked ways), then will I hear from Shomayim, and will forgive their chattat, and will heal their land.
Joe 2:28-29
(28) (3:1) And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out My Ruach [Hakodesh] upon all basar; and your banim and your banot shall prophesy, your zekenim shall dream chalomot, your bochurim shall see chezyonot (visions):
(29) (3:2) And also upon the avadim and upon the shefachot in those days will I pour out My Ruach [Hakodesh, see Ac 2:1-42].