Sunday, October 17, 2010


I have chased so many things in my life
Never looking back or away
Only to discover sorrow, frustration and strife
Were waiting at the end of the day

Why I pursue the things that destroy or kill
I cannot say
The sin and wickedness makes me ill
It’s a debt I cannot pay

But when it comes to chasing Truth and Yahweh
I seem to have no drive
I would rather goof off and play
Then chase the One who keeps me alive

The older I get the more I find
The endless pursuit for the things of death
Have quietly eroded my mind
Taken my health and stolen my breath

Yahweh, today I choose to change what I am chasing
After you I will run fast
My priorities and desires in You I am placing
For Your Kingdom is the that which will last

Forgive me for running after sin
With my head lost in the stars
Doing the wrong thing time and again
Like a dog chasing parked cars

Help me start each day praying
As early I seek You
On my knees patiently staying
For chasing You is what I will do


  1. Seek ye first the kindom of YAHWAH and His rightness and all these THINGS shall be added unto you. Matt.6:33. Very good post Son, May we allways seek HIM first!!!

  2. Thanks to YHWH for this post. It highlights the purest, and most valuable pursuit man can ever engage. The pursuit of purity, holiness, righteousness, truth, love,obedience to YHWH, and all other qualities that are life. And all these are found in Yahshua; The expressed image of His person.

