Saturday, December 11, 2010

Priests of Our Homes

We are told in two different passages from the book of Revelation that we have been made kings and priests.

and has made us sovereigns and priests to His Elohim and Father, to Him be esteem and rule forever and ever. Amĕn.

(Rev 1:6)

and made us sovereigns and priests to our Elohim, and we shall reign upon the earth.”

(Rev 5:10)

This is also alluded to in the book of Daniel.

So if we as men are going to be serving as kings and priests, how is this applicable to the life we are living now and our function within the home? Are there particulars concerning the job of priest that we need to understand and emulate?

I am going to use the references Rico Cortes has in is teaching concerning the role of the priest and see how we can apply these in our lives today.

The first thing that stands out to me concerning the priest is the level of sanctification that is necessary to be able to fulfill his duties. The hands and feet must be washed to make them pure. The hands come in contact on a daily basis with all kinds of impure things. It is almost impossible as someone who deals with the world during the work week, to not be touching unclean things or people. As the priest of my home, it is my responsibility to make sure that before I come home and be in contact with my family; being the intermediate between them and YHWH, that I do my part and clean my hands. We must even before dealing with our family, shake free all of the filthiness and unrighteousness of the world so that we may be able to deliver to them the righteousness of YHWH. We also must sanctify our feet, because we are forced to walk where the unclean things of this world are. So before bringing these things into the home, we make ourselves clean. But not just our hands and feet, we must be immersed into the pure water and come out clean, because the righteousness of YHWH cannot coexist with the filthiness of this world. To be the emissary of the Presence of YHWH for the home, we must be clean.

By what are we washed? I am not talking about taking a bath or shower on our natural bodies. Although I almost always feel this compelling desire to get physically clean also, I am talking about a Spiritual concept. What is the Water that we are washed in?

Ba'alim (husbands), have ahavah for your nashim (wives), as also Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach has ahavah for the Brit Chadasha Kehillah and gave Himself up on behalf of her, That He might bring her to kedushah (Holiness), having given her tohorah (purification) by the tevilah of the mikveh mayim of the Dvar YHWH,

(Ephesians 5:25-26 OJB)

So the Word of YHWH can wash us and make us Set Apart. Men, are you daily washing yourself in His Word? Have you allowed the daily things you are immersed in keep you out of the mikveh (immersion) of YHWH’s Word? We cannot and will never be priests of our homes until we learn that we need the Word of YHWH to make us clean.

The priest would daily light the incense in the Tabernacle and Temple. This would create a pleasing smell to rise up to YHWH. In Revelation chapter 8 we find that the prayers we send up are the incense before YHWH. As the priest of the home, it is our job to daily send up prayers before YHWH on behalf of our family. Three times a day the incense was offered up; morning, midday and early evening. These became the prayer times that we see still observed in the Brit Chadasha (New Testament). In fact, all three times are mentioned in the recounting of Yahshua’s death. We cannot lead our family into YHWH’s Presence until we set the pattern first thing in the morning. We start the day by saying the Shema, and then we address our King with praise and thanksgiving, freely asking for our daily provision because we know He only wants what is best for us. We stop midday and again address our Creator. Then once again before the end of the day, we come into His Presence. Men, we must fall on our faces before YHWH, we must seek His face and we must return to His Way. Most of us come from a christian background were ritualistic type prayers were frowned upon. We have been raised to address YHWH like He is our best buddy. Understand I am not condemning this type of communication; however, we cannot forget that the daily memorized prayers by the Jews kept YHWH were He was supposed to be and the people where they should be. He is King and we are His servants. “Our Father, Who art in Heaven, Set Apart is Your Name…” Let’s not do all of our prayers in the Buddy Mode and forget that YHWH is our King. We need confession and teshuvah, these lead to revival. Revival in our lives, in our homes, in our Nation and around the world.

It was the priest’s job to make sure the menorah stayed lit. There was only one Light in the Tabernacle and it could not be neglected and allowed to burn out. To keep it burning, oil must be in the bowls. Men are you keeping the Light in your homes? There is only One Light source for your homes. If you allow it to go out, your home is in darkness. The only way for the menorah to stay lit is to keep the oil (Ruach) full. If we do not have the Ruach, how can we pour it out in our homes? We MUST stay full of the Spirit so we can keep pouring His Spirit out.

There is much more here and I will write additional information in the days to come.

1 comment:

  1. Ken,

    Great teaching! Thanks be to YHWH, for this is meat in due season. I've been praying the prayer of Nacham'yah 1:5-11; and Dani'el 9:4-19 for myself and my family; and for all who are the elect of YHWH according to His foreknowledge. When YHWH shall build up Zion, He shall appear in His glory (esteem).

    Shalom my friend and stay washed, pure, filled with (Ruach), and shining as a lamp which burneth; for YHWH, your family and all within your sphere of influence. (including your blog followers :)
