Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Looks Like I Will Be Committed

I have been at my current job for almost three years. It has been a blessing to be able to deliver hot meals to the disabled and shut-in senior citizens. There are many lessons I have learned while dealing with these clients. One of the hardest parts is getting attached to someone who inevitably passes away. I have had the misfortune of seeing death, but the joy I bring to them is worth the pain I sometimes feel.

One of the lessons that really hit home is what I want to share today. The services we provide are funded by the U.S. government, so the client doesn't have to pay for these benefits. However, we do accept donations and some clients are faithful to pay even when I can see it is difficult. Here is what I have learned:

1. The client who never donates always gripes and complains.
2. The client who donates seems to appreciate the food and always takes an interest in the process.

So after noticing this I begin to contemplate why this would be true. The simple answer would be what we invest in we take interest in as well. What goes through my mind when I ponder this is the Words of my Master:

For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.
(Mat 6:21)

Yahshua was speaking about putting value in the proper things when He spoke these Words. The Words He spoke would have been in His native tongue, so let's look at their Hebrew meaning.

The word heart is leb in Hebrew, it is spelled lamed bet. The lamed in ancient Hebrew was a picture of a shepherd's staff, while the bet was a picture of a tent. Combining these two letters, the word means "authority inside". The consciousness of man is seen as coming from deep inside the chest, the heart. Thirst as an Inside desire for water.

The word treasure is awtsar and translates as storehouse or cellar.

So what we can see is Yahshua is saying, "You will surrender authority to what you have invested." Those who invest in the meal program have a commitment. Commitment makes you appreciate the benefits.

Now days marriages last about as long as high school relationships. WHY? What makes someone walk away from those they have professed to love? NO INVESTMENT!

I have twenty three years invested in my marriage. Let me tell you, if I didn't love my wife (and I do, with all my heart), I would not walk away from my investment. After twenty three years she knows what I like and what I don't like. She knows what makes me happy and how to brighten my day. Is there any logical reason I would try and develop this commitment with someone new? Not only that, I have twenty three years of hard work and bread winning invested. That makes me appreciate everything she does for me. It's a great program and I whole heartedly support its continuance.

Now think about your relationship with your Heavenly Father. Do you appreciate Him? If not maybe it's because you don't have an investment. Have you laid up treasures in His Kingdom? When you do it will cause your opinion of His "program" to change.

Those who murmur and complain have NO investment. Putting something into the "program" will change your whole attitude concerning the "benefits" you are receiving.

As a man I must remember these things so that I may be the example my family needs. How will my family ever understand Scriptural principles if I don't put them into action? YHWH help me lead my family and invest in the "programs" you have given me s
o I will appreciate your "benefits."


  1. Very nice post filled with truth! :-)

  2. Very wise words, spoken wisely. May YHWH contiue to lead and guide you all of your days!!!!
